
Ankle Sprain

Without proper Ankle sprain treatment and rehabilitation, a more severe sprain can weaken your ankle—making it more likely that you will injure it again. Repeated ankle sprains can lead to long-term problems, including chronic ankle pain, arthritis, and ongoing instability. Ankle sprains are tears in the ligaments that hold the ankle in place.

  • Usually, ankle sprains occur when people walk or run on uneven ground and the foot turns in, stretching the ligaments of the ankle beyond their limits and tearing them.
  • The ankle becomes swollen and walking is painful.

Certain conditions tend to cause the foot to turn and thus increase the risk of a sprain:

  • Having had a previous sprain that made the ligaments weak
  • Having weak leg muscles or nerve damage in the legs
  • Wearing certain types of shoes, such as spiked heels
  • Healing usually takes 6 to 8 weeks. If people do not wait until their ankle is healed completely before they resume their usual activities, they increase their risk of future injuries, and the ankle may not heal well. Nerves may also get damaged.

Management at AktivHealth:

Doctors at AktivHealth will ask about the injury and do a physical evaluation. Upon suspicion of bony injury or joint dislocation, X-ray / MR scanning may be advised.

Ankle sprain treatment is based upon the stage of injury and clinical status may include rest, ice, compression bandage and pain control, ankle support with an elastic bandage/a splint or a specially designed boot or a cast depending on how severe the sprain is.

Sprained ankle physiotherapy follows acute management to help minimize swelling, maintain the joint’s range of motion and gradually strengthen the muscles around the ankle and improve balance thus preventing future sprains.

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